Enrolment final checks & troubleshooting

Enrolment Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot any issues you are experiencing around Enrolment.

Why can't any students access the enrolment form? 

Check your enrolment form has been switched on (visible to applicants): settings > application form > phase view

Also be aware that if your offer phase is turned on, only students who have been made (and have accepted) an offer can access the enrolment form. If you have not made offers, ensure your offer phase is turned off. 


Students can see the enrolment form but it says it is locked for editing!

Go to settings > application form > phase view. Click the pencil icon (edit) for the enrolment form and ensure the "disable submissions" switches are off. 


Nobody is able to log into the Admissions+ system - there is a red error message on the "existing users" area on our landing page. 

This message is controlled by your embargo settings. The embargo prevents all except Super Admin users logging into the system and is used to stop students and other staff from seeing the achieved grades once you have imported them into the system, the day before results day. 

You can check and amend your embargo settings by clicking settings > enrolment settings. 


I'm trying to import internal students' predicted grades but the import is failing; how can I make sure the right grades get attached to the right students? 

Students' grades should be imported from a CSV file and you should use their MIS code to ensure the data is mapped to the correct students. You should check first that your internal applicants have been tagged with their MIS codes (this will have happened automatically if you imported your internal applicants into A+ from your MIS at the beginning of the application cycle). 

You should also check your CSV file has been formatted correctly. CSV files cannot read certain symbols, such as hyphens, so you need to ensure your grades are formatted in a readable way. Check this file to see the correct formatting of each type of grade. 

You can read more about importing grades and checking internals have been tagged with their MIS codes here


Students are unable to choose some classes; it says they do not meet the entry requirements but they do! 

You will need to check your entry requirements to see what is causing the issue. Go to settings > subject options > specific requirements and check the requirements you have set up for those classes to ensure students with the correct combination of grades and subjects can select those classes. You can read more about specific requirements here


Students who are not eligible for some classes have been able to select them anyway and we don't want them to be able to - what do we do? 

As above, please check your specific requirements are set to prevent students who are not eligible from being able to select those courses. Also, ensure you have turned on the switch "restrict student course selection by entry requirements" in your enrolment settings area if you do not wish them to be able to choose subjects they are ineligible for. 


All students are being moved to the waiting list for one of my classes; why is it doing this and how do I stop it? 

First, navigate to the timetables area from the main dashboard and click the pencil icon for the course in question. Check the limit you have set for the maximum number of students who can be enrolled. If you increase this, that should ensure students can then enrol straight into that class rather than going to the waiting list. 

You can also turn off "enable caps on the number of students that can enrol for subjects" if you do not want the caps to be in place at all. You'll find this in settings > enrolment settings. 


Students are/are not receiving emails from our system: confirming their enrolment, telling them they are on the waiting list.

These email templates are stored within your automated messages area (communications and events > communications > automated messages) and are under the heading "enrolment". If you want them to be sent, ensure they are toggled on (blue) in the "enable" column of the table. If you do not want them to be sent, ensure they are toggled off (grey). You can edit and preview these templates via the "actions" column of the table. 


If you are struggling on Enrolment Day please reach out straight away so we can help resolve things quickly for you.

Our main line is 0208 762 0882 and on enrolment day we will have the whole call team and ticket team available to answer calls.

Also on enrolment day all CSMs will be available to answer their direct lines to ensure the fastest response times. Please check their email signature or the email sent out in the days prior to enrolment.