Email Templates

Vital email templates to check before going live

This article will show you the email templates to check and create before launching your Admissions process.

Primary, Reception & Nursery

1. Parent welcome email - this is the email template that you will be sending to all your parents to complete the form which also contains their login credentials to the platform.

2. Notify Teacher Student Has Submitted Application Form (Notification to staff if a new form has been submitted by a student/parent)

3. Notify Parent Application Complete (email confirmation to parent once they've submitted a form)

4. Email Unsubscription Notification - if a parent unsubscribed to all Admissions+ notifications/email that you are sending to them.

5. Staff Welcome - if you add a new user/staff in the system, then you'll have to send them a welcome email which contains their login credentials to the platform.

6. New Password - If you reset a password for a parent/staff.

7. Incomplete  (Optional - Under Manual Messages) - if you would like to follow up your incomplete applications manually, by selecting who should receive the email.

8. Incomplete (Optional - create under Manual Messages and set to be triggered by the application status "incomplete")Under Automated messages) - to activate and utilise the template, it must be created before importing data. Number of days incomplete begins counting from the student's account creation, whether by self-registration or import from MIS/CSV. If you plan to delay sending your welcome emails, ensure to set your number of days incomplete to a value which is greater than the number of days before sending your welcome email. Otherwise, chaser emails may trigger before the welcome emails have been sent out.

Year 7

1. Parent welcome (it’s a generic email so it’s best to advise schools to customise it)

2. Notify Parent Application Complete - An email confirmation once the parents has submitted their application form. This may contain wording which needs amending, to make it more appropriate for the intake - for example, changing "application" to "admission form". 

3. Staff Welcome - if you add a new user/staff in the system, then you'll have to send them a welcome email which contains their login credentials to the platform.

4. New Password - If you reset a password for a parent/staff.

5. Notify Teacher Student Has Submitted Application Form (This can be optional if you don't wish to receive these but just in case you might want to check/consider)

6. Email unsubscription notification - if a parent unsubscribed to all Admissions+ notifications/email that you are sending to them.

7. Incomplete (Optional - create under Manual Messages and set to be triggered by the application status "incomplete")Under Automated messages) - to activate and utilise the template, it must be created before importing data. Number of days incomplete begins counting from the student's account creation, whether by self-registration or import from MIS/CSV. If you plan to delay sending your welcome emails, ensure to set your number of days incomplete to a value which is greater than the number of days before sending your welcome email. Otherwise, chaser emails may trigger before the welcome emails have been sent out.

Sixth Form (Year 12/Post 16)

1. Student Welcome (manually sent to internal students) - used to send out your Internal student's login credentials so they won't have to register for an account.

2. Student Confirmation Instructions (automated email sent to external applicants after account creation)

3. Confirm Application Submission To The Student (email confirmation to student once they've submitted a form)

4. Invite to interview or Invite To Select Interview Slot (if schools are conducting interviews)

5. Event Template (optional, and needs to be created and linked to an event if applicable - it can then automatically email anyone who registers to attend an event)

6. Make offer to student (conditional offers sent to students)

7. Student Has Submitted Enrolment Form (confirmation of enrolment form submission)

8. Teacher Enrolled Student Onto Courses (can be automated or sent manually)

9. Add To Waiting To Enrol (case to case basis)

10. Remove From Waiting List (case to case basis)

11. Incomplete (Optional - create under Manual Messages and set to be triggered by the application status "incomplete")Under Automated messages) - to activate and utilise the template, it must be created before importing data. Number of days incomplete begins counting from the student's account creation, whether by self-registration or import from MIS/CSV. If you plan to delay sending your welcome emails, ensure to set your number of days incomplete to a value which is greater than the number of days before sending your welcome email. Otherwise, chaser emails may trigger before the welcome emails have been sent out.


**Automated Messages:**

1. Contact Confirmation Instructions
2. Student Reconfirmation Instructions
3. New Password
4. Confirm Application Submission To The Student
5. Notify Teacher Student Has Submitted Application Form

**Request Emails**

1. Request Declined
2. Request Completed
3. Request Actioned
4. Request Approved
5. Request Created

**Bursary Band Allocation emails**

-Can be created based on the Approval bands the school have.


Note: Please know that if you send a test email for the above templates, the tokens will not be pulled through by the system but you can always create a test account and send yourself a test by registering your personal/home email address.


Here's the guide on how to edit your email templates. If you have any concerns, please contact your Customer Success Manager. Alternatively, for any urgent concerns/issues please do not hesitate to contact our support line ( 0208 762 0882 ) to further assist you.