Nursery, Primary & Secondary Only

Importing LA Offers as an ATF and sending welcome emails to Parents

This guide will show you how you can import your Local Authority offers as an admissions transfer file into Admissions+.

Once you've logged in and opened your application form or data collection form that you're using, you need to click on Data on the left side of the screen and select Import.

You will then need to click on Start an Import, give your import a name, select Users, and hit Next.

Select New Users and hit Next.

Select Parents and hit Next.

Select ATF and hit Next.

Note: You use this route if you received an ATF from your Local Authority. If you received an Excel file, please follow the CSV import instructions.

You will then need to upload your ATF by clicking on Browse Files and selecting your file. Hit Next.

The system will convert your ATF into CSV. You will then need to download the converted CSV file and upload it the same way.

For the type of children, select Student. Select the application form where the students will be imported and select whether they will be tagged as Internal or External.

You will then match the properties in your converted CSV file with the properties in Admissions+. Most of the time, they are pre-matched and you will just need to check them. When you're done checking, hit Next.

The import will initiate and once done, click on View Successful Import.

You will then see the list of imported parents. Select all by ticking the checkbox (as shown below) and clicking on Send Welcome Email.