Transition Tool

Student Transition Tool

This article will show how to use the student transition tool to collect essential student information for a smooth transition to your school

When students enter your school, it’s essential to collect as much information as possible from their previous institutions. This helps ensure a seamless transition and may include details about their academic strengths and weaknesses, special educational needs, and other relevant information.


The Student Transition Tool allows you to:

  • Contact feeder schools and provide them with a list of students transitioning to your school.
  • Request answers to your customised set of questions from teachers regarding students' performance, behaviour, friendship groups and special educational needs.
  • Monitor responses and facilitate follow-up requests if necessary.
  • Compile all responses into a CSV file for easy export.
  • Export data directly into SIMS Assessment tables (if you use SIMS), enabling the creation of marksheets for each Year 7 class.


The first thing you need to do is mark your applicants as “Enrolled”. This is to ensure you can collect the transition information for all students, as opposed to only those whose parents have already completed the admission form.

Changing the students' enrolment status has no impact on the parents being able to log in and complete the data for their child/children. 


Accessing the Tool:

To find the Transition Tool, click on the 'Enrolment' icon and navigate to Post Enrolment > Student Transition Tool.


Understanding the Main Screen:

Before initiating any actions, review the questions you want schools to answer by clicking the 'Edit Form' button located at the top right corner of the main screen.


Editing the Initial Email:

The initial email section shows the content that schools will receive. You can customise this content to include additional information, such as a phone number or email address for verification purposes. This ensures schools can confirm the legitimacy of the request.

At the bottom of the email template, note the instructions for staff members to log in using the secure code provided, which safeguards students' information.

Choosing Questions to Ask:

We have pre-loaded questions tailored for new Year 7 students. You can modify the text of existing questions, delete them, or add new questions by clicking the '+ New Question' button. You may also rename the form, rearrange the order of your questions, and preview how the form looks from their end using the 'Sort Questions' and 'Preview' buttons.

You also have the option to select different styles of questions to include in the transition form, such as text input or a multiple choice. 

Once you are satisfied with the questions, click the blue “Next” button at the top right of the screen.


Select Student Status:

Choose the status of the students you wish to include in the Transition Tool.


Finalising and Sending: 

You'll be taken to the main page, where you can begin the process of sending out the messages to the schools. 


There's an option to send the transition form  to specific schools by clicking the envelope icon next to the eye icon.


NOTE: If a student is incorrectly assigned to a school, first update the student's profile (education step) with the correct current school. Then, return to the Transition Tool, delete the incorrect school using the bin icon, and the student will be reallocated to the correct school within the tool.


What Feeder Schools Receive: Feeder schools will receive the customised email and a login link to the Admissions+ system, along with a token verification for secure access.

Accessing and Completing the Transition Form:

Upon logging in, schools will confirm their identity and see a list of students transitioning to your school. By pressing 'Start' ,they will access the list of questions you’ve set up. They can use the 'Save for now' option to save their progress and return later if needed.



Exporting Data:

To export the collected data, use the 'Export' button at the top of the transition menu. The system will generate a CSV file that you can share with your SENCO and heads of department, providing valuable insights into the new intake.