ApplicaaOne & ApplicaaFutures

One Reference - Student Grades Import

Importing predicted grades

Did you know you can bulk import your students grades into your system to save even more time when creating references? You can find useful guidance in our Knowledge Base to help you with this process:

How to import internal students' grades


Please note: when you reach the 'Data Mapping' step of the import, you should choose the 'Email' options. This ensures the correct grades are imported for students you have previously imported with an email address: ⬇️


On the Data Mapping screen you will also need to map the qualifications you are importing as shown below: ⬇️


If you do not see a particular Qualification Type option, e.g. BTEC, this will need to be ticked in the Application Form by navigating to Settings ▶️ Application Form ▶️ Education step (click on Edit or Pen icon) ▶️ Settings tab then tick or select any Qualifications you need for the import of grades: ⬇️


Once you have ticked your qualifications you should refresh the Data Mapping screen in your grades import so the Qualification Type option e.g. BTEC will then be available to select for mapping: ⬇️


Our Knowledge Base also has additional information to help you with the importing of grades: ⬇️

Example CSVs for importing student grades

Grade Import Rules CSV