Clashes & Optimisation

Timetables Area - Unallocated Applicants (Resolve clashes)

This area enables you to see which applicants are not allocated to classes, based on your current timetable structure so you can resolve their clashes and allocate them to courses.

Sometimes, applicants will opt for courses which run at the same time - they clash. The timetable manager area lets you move blocks around to see the impact of any changes and determine if a change would resolve any of the clashes for your applicants. 

Navigate to the "timetables" area from your main dashboard and click on the "unallocated applicants" tab. 

This will show you any applicants whose current choices are clashing with one another. 

Clashes will display in red and you can then use the timetable overview and forecasting tabs to make changes and recheck your unallocated students to see what impact your changes have made. 

Video of Timetable Manager