Parent Profile (Not for Yr 12)

Parent Profile Overview

When a parent is added or registered in the system, they will have a profile which will be linked to their child/children's profile(s) and you can access these to perform actions

You can access a list of all registered parents from the Parents & Enquiries icon in the left-hand menu of your system: 



On a parent's profile, you can perform several actions:

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Send them an email or SMS (Note: SMS is only available if you have subscribed to Esendex). 

Impersonate them - this enables you to access their homepage as though you are them, so you can see things from their perspective and edit answers on any application forms on their behalf. 

Add a student - this is useful if they have another child who is joining your school, and the child's profile has not yet been created. You will create the profile for the child, and ensure the child is linked to the correct parent, by using this function. 

Print their profile

Reset the password for the parent, in the event that they have lost their login credentials or are struggling (they can also reset their own passwords by clicking the "forgot your password" option on your landing page). 

Confirm their account - this is useful for any parents who have created their own account, but for whatever reason have been unable to click the link in the verification email which is automatically sent to them. If they are unable to verify themselves, you can do it on their behalf so they are able to successfully log in. 

Check communication logs to see which emails have been sent to them, and to view their status (eg have they been delivered, opened, clicked etc) - useful for tracking correspondence and keeping a record of all communications with the parent in one place. 

Delete their profile - helpful in the event that the parent has declined the place for their child and you no longer require their data, or perhaps their account was created in error. 

The notes section is only visible to staff; you can use this area to record notes which you may wish to refer to at a later stage in your admissions process, safe in the knowledge that they will never be accessible to the parent. You can add and edit as many notes as you wish. 

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The Activities section will show you a date and time-stamped record of what the parent has done within the system. For example, if they logged in at 12.43pm and completed the Child's Basic Details section of your form, you would see that recorded here. The Events tab will show you any events which that parent has registered to attend.  

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