
Centralised References

This article will guide you through how the Centralised References feature simplifies the reference process for schools, students, and referees by offering a centralised location for managing reference requests


The Centralised References feature is designed to simplify the reference submission process for students applying to multiple schools, centralising tasks for both referees and schools. It enhances the referencing process by utilising Core and Common Questions, customising questions, and automatically filling in answers from previous references when applicable. This approach makes the process more efficient and reduces repetitive tasks for referees.

There has been a slight change to the user interface (UI) for Reference that you will notice. In the Reference Section of the Education Step, you'll now see a new column called "Reference Category." Under this column, you’ll find labels such as Core, and depending on the view, it could also display Common or be left blank.

1. Core Questions

These are essential and mandatory for all references. These typically include basic information such as the student’s name and the referee’s email. These questions cannot be removed from the form but can be reworded according to each school’s preference. The idea is to ensure that vital information is always included, making the system robust and consistent across all schools. 


NOTE: There is no delete option for core questions.


Standard lookup values

In order for you to maximise the benefits of automated reference completion, the core and common questions on your reference form should use a standard set of lookup values (those used by the vast majority of schools). Please see the standard list below:


2. Common Questions

Common questions are those frequently asked by most schools in their reference forms. These questions include topics such as attendance, punctuality, strengths, and weaknesses. The major benefit of using common questions is that their answers can be auto-filled from previous references. If a referee has answered these questions for a student in a past reference request, those answers will automatically populate the new form, saving time and effort.

Schools can modify, remove, or reword common questions to fit their needs, giving them flexibility while still enjoying the efficiencies of auto-filling.



3. Other (Custom) Questions:

Custom questions allow users to tailor the reference process by adding specific inquiries that meet their needs. You can incorporate these questions just as you did previously, using any existing custom questions from past forms. Before adding a new custom question, it's a good practice to check the common questions section to see if your inquiry is already included, as you can modify existing questions if necessary. If your desired question isn't present, feel free to add it, ensuring your reference process is as effective as possible.


Automatic Reference Completion

Answers to core and common questions can be automatically filled in from previous references, provided that the reference request is made within the same year. Automatically answered questions, such as core and common ones, reduce the workload for referees.

Reusing Previous Submissions

When a student applies to multiple schools and the common or core questions remain unchanged, the system automatically completes the reference using answers from previous submissions. This saves referees time by eliminating repetitive work.


The Student Experience

Students will input their referee's contact information as they normally would. If all Core and Common questions are automatically answered based on previous references, the student will receive a notification informing them that the reference is complete.


The School’s Perspective

From the school's perspective, the process for viewing reference answers remains the same as before, with access to the reference details on the student profile. On the reference page, schools will continue to see the status of each reference as either incomplete or complete, ensuring no changes to the current system. 

Referees will receive notifications throughout the referencing process. When a student requests a new reference, the referee will get an email with a link to complete the reference, similar to the current procedure. 

NOTE: While these updates aim to streamline the process and reduce repetitive tasks, referees might consider revising their initial email templates to inform them that some answers will be prepopulated from previous submissions, ensuring clarity and encouraging a review of their responses as needed.

As part of our new email templates, if a reference is partially completed due to matching questions from different schools, the referee will receive a notification prompting them to log in and answer any remaining questions. Furthermore, when all core and common questions match between two school references, the system will auto-complete the reference and notify the referee, along with sending another email that contains a link to review their submission.


The system sends the following email notifications:


Request for New Reference:

Referees receive a request for a new reference in the same format as before.


Partially Completed Reference:

A new notification is sent to referees if they need to complete a reference that was only partially answered.


Automatically Completed Reference:

Both referees and students are informed if a reference is automatically completed using previous answers.


In the reference settings, there are configuration options that will continue to function as they currently do. 

Allow Resubmitted Applications: Schools can permit students to resubmit their applications, triggering another reference request.

Uploaded References: Schools can accept manually uploaded references if needed.

Reference Record on Student Profile: Schools can choose to show the reference record on the student’s profile.

Prevent Referees from Editing Submitted References: Once a reference has been submitted, referees will no longer have the ability to make any edits or modifications to the content of that reference.

Prevent Further Reference Submissions: Schools can enforce deadlines by preventing referees from submitting any more references once the deadline has passed.


The Referee’s Experience

The referees will continue to view and respond to reference requests essentially the same, allowing them to forward emails as they do currently. Core and common questions may be pre-filled with answers from previous references, which helps speed up the process. For any remaining questions, referees will answer them in the usual manner unless the system has already auto-filled the responses.

If another school requests the same questions, the system auto-fills those answers, eliminating repetitive writing. Referees are notified when their answers are reused and can review and edit their responses as needed.


Q&A Summary

What Questions Are Included?
References include Core, Common, and Custom Questions. Core and Common Questions may be auto-filled from previous references within the same year.

How Do Students Complete Their Part?
Students enter referee details as usual and are alerted if all questions have been auto-filled, completing the reference.

What Do Referees Need to Do?
Referees are notified when all questions have been answered automatically, and they have the option to edit their responses if necessary.