This guide will go through the settings on the Bill Payer step of the Offer Contract phase.
These settings can be found on the Parent & Bill Payers step, please go to:
Settings - Application Form - Scroll down to the Offer Contract phase and select the Parent & Bill Payers step.
Here we have the following settings:
Bill Payers Header - This will allow you to change the name of the heading on the table in this step:
Bill payer description - This box is used to add guidance to the parents on how to complete this step:
Bill payer extra fee header - This is the name of the extra fee column, if the school wish to use this feature:
Collect type of payment - This is the option to ask the parents how they will be paying the school fees. This isn't asking for payment, only how they intend to pay the school when the fees invoice is received by the parent.
Collect type of payment description - The school can provide directions to the parents how they
Other payment options button text - When a parent selects the "Other payment options" they will be able to choose another way to pay their school fees. This is the box that customises the wording of this option.
To add the payment options for parents to choose, you can click on "Other payment options", then click on "+Add new":
You can then add the label, which is what the payment option would be called. The description would be to advise the parents what the payment method is.
Termly description - This is the description box to advise parents what to expect when they select to pay termly.
Monthly description - This is the description box to advise parents what to expect when they select to pay monthly.
Collect Split of Lunch & Extra fee - This will allow the school to split the lunch and extra fees from the school fees for the parents.
Type of payment monthly - This will be how the parents can pay if they select to pay monthly. For example they could pay by monthly direct debit or pay by cash each month. This is defined by the school, not the parent, so it is how the school wants to be paid with this payment frequency.
Type of payment termly - This will be how the parents can pay if they select to pay termly. For example they could pay by termly direct debit or pay by cash each term. This is defined by the school, not the parent, so it is how the school wants to be paid with this payment frequency.
Type of payment advanced_payment - This will be how the parents can pay if they select to pay in advance. For example they could pay by cash or cheque. This is defined by the school, not the parent, so it is how the school wants to be paid with this payment frequency.
Enable types of payment - The school can select the types of payments that the school would like the parents to be able to choose from.
Required Phone numbers - This will mean that the parents have to provide this number, if toggled on: