Properties & useful info

MIS Migration Guide: Are you considering switching your Management Information System (MIS)?

This article will outline the steps and considerations for a successful MIS migration.

When changing your MIS, it’s crucial to follow a structured process to ensure seamless integration of the new MIS with your Admissions+ System. Our MIS Migration Manager will oversee the process and provide guidance.

We have established guidelines to streamline the migration and minimize risks. Please review this document thoroughly.



  1. Note Important Dates: Inform Applicaa by completing the MIS Migration Form. If you are migrating multiple schools, kindly complete a separate form for each school.

  2. After Submitting the Form:
    • Submitting the form will open a support ticket for email correspondence. You will receive a Shared Tracking Sheet detailing the steps that both Applicaa and your school need to complete. Please note to always update the Shared Tracking Sheet.
    • Create a CSV for internal applicants and any already exported to SIMS to ensure you have a backup file.
    • Link your new MIS credentials to the Admissions+ Integration page.
    • Wait for Applicaa to validate the MIS, reconfigure the form, and provide you with the Mapping list.
    • Complete the mapping list.
    • Review form questions, lookup visibility, and order.
    • Once Applicaa confirms that all back-end tasks are completed, create a Test Application and export it to your new MIS.
    • Inform Applicaa whether the test was successful.

Note: Avoid MIS migration during enrollment. Follow all provided guidelines for each form and share this information with relevant staff.

Plan time to prepare communications for parents/applicants and other staff.