B16+ Student Profiles

How to edit the student homepage of your Bursary16+ system

This article will show you how you can customise the student homepage, which is where students will land when they log in to your bursary platform.

Navigate to 'Settings' > 'Form Settings' > 'Student Homepage'.

NOTE:  The student homepage is only visible to students who are logging in. If your application form is set to allow parents to log in, parents will only see the parent homepage.


On the Student Homepage, a configuration option on how the student's name will be displayed is available.

If you select "preferred forename or first name", they will be greeted by their preferred name if they have supplied one, or it will default to their legal first name if they have not provided a preference. 


You can also edit/customise the welcome message and image by clicking on the 'Edit' button, and you can also see how this will look to a student by clicking the "Preview" button.