Event Creation & Settings

How to create an event and make it visible on Landing Page, Student and Parent Homepage

This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating an event and configuring its visibility on the Landing Page, Student Homepage, and Parent Homepage.

From your Dashboard, navigate to Communication and Events, select Events, and then Events Calendar.

Click “Add New” on the right-hand side to create an event.

Please fill in the Event Details fields, including Event Name, Type, Start & End Date, Start & End Time, and a necessary Description. Location is optional and you may add an image of an event.

After completing the necessary fields, navigate to the "Visibility" section. 


Which forms does this event relate to - Select the particular form where you wish to implement the event.

Message to show when the event is fully booked - Add a customised message that will be displayed when the event reaches full capacity.

Display number of tickets remaining – You may tick the box to display the remaining number of tickets.

"Show the event form" refers to making the event registration or details form visible and accessible to parents or students.

Select "Login Page for related forms"  to display the event specifically on the login page of a designated form.

"Parents Homepage"  or Student Homepage" display an event on either the student or parent homepage.
*Note: This section also allows you to select any or both of these options.*

Parent Homepage Event View:

Student Homepage Event View:

Parent’s homepage based on application form - display the event exclusively on the homepage of parents whose child has an application associated with the specified form.

Parent’s homepage based on the child’s application form - This option displays the event on a parent's homepage only if their child has an application for any of the tagged forms.

Parents Homepage based on the child's suggested form from the enquiry - display the event on the parent homepage if the child has a suggested form from any of the tagged forms.

Show popup for the event on allows you to create a popup window and choose where it will be displayed, whether on a login page, the student homepage, or the parent homepage.
*Note: This section also allows you to select any or all of these three options.*

Landing/Login Page Popup Event:

Student Homepage Popup Event:


Parent Homepage Popup Event: