Application form customisation

How to add and edit questions

This guide will tell you how to add and edit questions in the application form.

This will show you how you can customize and edit your application form; the form has already been tailored for your specific entry/ intake point and has a collection of all the questions that are available for data transfer to your school MIS system. Once your lookups are imported you will see all the available options from your MIS, available as answer options for students/parents.

If you would like to make some changes to your form, then please go to the settings area and then click application form.

The below screenshot shows application form, step view.

Under the actions column click the icon beside the pencil button.

Now within these settings, you'll be able to do a number of things, including removing existing questions, adding new questions, making questions either optional or required, and making questions visible to only external or only internal students, or both.

Within each step, you have sections that seat groups of questions. 

Here in step one - basic details, address, telephones and email addresses, concessions, ethnicity and so on. And from the admin view, this is what it looks like. 

We also have a number of options. The main ones are whether it's visible for internal and whether it's visible for external students.

Internals are students already in your MIS, externals are not.

For example, if we turn off one question for external students here, and refresh the page...

You'll see that this question is now gone for external students once you click the preview application form as external students.

The "First name" text field is not visible for external students.

Another thing you can do is make a question mandatory; you simply need to make the check box ticked for Internal or External or both and unticked if not required/mandatory.

Questions within the application form that are required will be denoted by a red asterisk.

You can also add new questions to the application form, or if you remove a question from your form, you can actually restore it by clicking the, add a new.

You're able to search for existing properties that you're interested in. 

You can also create brand-new questions. So if you search for something and you find that what you're looking for is not a property already, you can go ahead and create it as a text question.

You can choose, text, number, currency, date or any one of these other options, depending on the data that you're collecting. Now, once you've created your new question, you can actually go ahead and put the questions in the correct order that you want.

We can see how long the question is. So at the moment, it's taken across a hundred percent of the width.

We can change that to 50% or a third, and we can also then change the order.

You also have the option to add User Defined Fields (UDF) on your form (Please note that if your MIS is SIMS these UDFs will be synced into the system automatically once you have downloaded the Admissions+ SIMS App). 


If SIMS is not your MIS then this is how you could download your UDFs from your MIS.

Please go to Settings > School Settings > Integration. 



You'll then be directed to the Integration area, please click "Import UDF". 

Once you've done this a message should pop up saying that the UDFs have been successfully imported. 


You may now start adding the UDFs on your form by doing the following (applicable for all MIS):

Go to Settings > Application Form. 


Please select on which step you'd like to add the UDF to and then click "New Question". 


After that look for "Your MIS name" User Defined Fields (i.e Arbor User Defined Fields) on the Exising properties columns or search for it on the search bar - search existing fields


You will then have a list of the UDFs that you'll be able to add on your form. Simply click on the field that you'd like to add.