This article will show you how to request a CTF from previous school using the Admissions+ platform via the CTF/File Request Area.
Please note, once you receive the CTF from the previous school, you must import CTFs into your MIS in a specific order and select particular data from the CTF to import. Please refer to this article for more information.
From your platform, the CTF/File Request Area is where you can make the requests for information that the previous school had on a student, including contacts, accurate school history, attendance data, assessment data, and other information.
The CTFs will still be transferred to you in the usual manner, via the secure School to School channel.
The first thing you need to do is mark your applicants as “Enrolled”. This is to ensure you can request the CTFs for all students, as opposed to only those whose parents have already completed the admission form.
Changing the students' enrolment status has no impact on the parents being able to log in and complete the data for their child/children.
Go to Enrolment > Post Enrolment > CTF/File Request.
Then click “Create New Request” and a window will pop up asking whether you want to request CTFs, physical files or both.
Add the address for your school where you want to receive the physical files, and the details of the best contact at your school for CTFs. If you search by Postcode, the address look up will autofill the other fields.
An email preview will then appear which you can amend if needed. Fields
which appear like are mail merged for your convenience.
Select which schools you would like to send the requests to then click 'Save'.
A table summary by schools will show, and you can now select to whom you'll send the request. Select all using the checkbox on the left of the table, and hit “Send”. A message should appear to say the request has been sent.
On the other hand, use “Summary by students” to view the details of the students and the status of your requests. Here you can also keep track of the student files you have already received. Simply put a tick to mark receipt of their files and it will automatically update the request status from pending to received.
1. Once parents or students have submitted their admissions data in A+, you can transfer the data from A+ to your school's MIS system.
2. You can then import the CTF directly to your MIS and marry it to the existing profile of each student, to prevent duplicate profiles being created.
When you click back to 'Summary by schools', you will also see how many files are missing or received. You can resend the request from here by selecting the school(s) you wish to resend the requests to, then click 'Resend To All'. You can also just re-request those files which are yet to be received, by clicking “Re-request Missing”.
How the CTF request will appear to the school receiving the request
The school will receive your email, which will contain a link for them to follow:
The named recipient will then need to confirm their email address and provide the validation token which will have been sent to them.
Tokens expire after 7 days of having been sent; they can request a new validation token if needed by clicking:
On entering their token, they will be able to view a list of the students whose files are being requested, and they can then submit those to you in their normal way via the secure "school to school" channel, and by post if they are transferring physical files to you as well.