How to manage interview sessions, see which students have completed interviews and change the details of an interview session.
Navigate to communications & events > meetings area.
Once you have created a meeting, you can edit it by clicking the kebab button on the main meetings page. This will enable you to update any session details if there are any changes to be made (for example, if you have received more applications than anticipated and need to add extra timeslots to broaden availability).
For any meeting(s) you've created, you'll see the distribution of students in this session; you can see who has been added, whether they've all been sent invitations, and how they have responded to those invitations and also you can see how many meeting slots has been created.
If you click the confirmed button, you'll see the names of students who've accepted the invitation but haven't yet had their interview.
If you click Complete means that they are done with the interview/meeting.
For incomplete meeting slots where staff have updated the meeting notes but not marked the meeting as having taken place.
If you click not attended the staff marked the invitee as a no-show.
And for cancelled when a staff user cancels a meeting slot which a specific student was already allocated.
Then for declined when an invitee responded to a meeting invitation by declining it.
If you click on the kebab > 'Manage slots & Students' button, you can see a list of all students who are involved in that interview and their interview status will also be shown in the table.
From there, you will also see that the students have been allocated a date and time. You may have allocated times for them, or they may be able to choose their own timeslot (depending on the way you set your meeting up). If you have enabled them to choose their own times, those students who have not yet responded to their invitation will not have a session allocated next to their name.
If you want to see the content of their interview, you can click on the action column and click the pencil button.