- Applicaa Knowledge Base
- Course 9 - Sixth Form Enrolment
- Preparing your system for enrolment day
Course 1 - First Impressions
Course 2 - Profiles
Course 3 - Application process in detail
Sixth Form Only
Course 4 - Events
Course 5 - Checks, Troubleshooting & Go-Live!
Data & Integrations (IT & Data Managers)
Course 6 - Timetable & Options (Yr 9 & 12)
Course 7 - Interviews & Offers
Course 8 - Transition Features & Taster Days
Course 9 - Sixth Form Enrolment
Course 10 - Enrolment & Beyond!
Customer training timetable & in depth guides.
MAT Enterprise
Independent Schools
Applicaa Products
Enrolment Checklist
This is a list of the key checks to make ahead of Results Day, to ensure your system is ready for Enrolment. You can review the Enrolment Guides for details of how to configure each aspect of your system.
Checklist - Summer Term
- Enrolment test site created
- Embargo set
- Enrolment Day messages and settings in place (settings > enrolment settings)
- Classes, class codes and option blocks in place
- Option block view activated (in courses step or pathways area)
- Enrolment form synced from application form and customised
- Specific requirements created
- Manual email template created and sent, to tell students what to do on results day
- Enrolment email templates edited and activated (automated messages)
- Sync any settings from your test system to your live system once testing is complete
- Check all necessary staff have logins created (with correct permissions - only Super Admins can log in during the embargo; anyone who does not need this level of permission should be set as "staff")
- Export students' data to your MIS - students need to be in your MIS before their classes can be imported
Checklist - Day Before Results Day
- Internal grades imported
- Enrolment form turned on (settings > application form > phase view > visible to applicants)
- Enrolment Day messages turned on (settings > enrolment settings)